Western carte blanche for Israel

In its featured report, Kayhan delved into Western perspectives on Gaza and engaged in an interview with Ms. Clare Daly, an Irish politician, to discuss the various views on the ongoing conflict.
According to Daly, the West has afforded Israel complete impunity in the Gaza war. She conveyed to Kayhan: “The European Union is complicit in Israel’s war crimes. Europe has overtly declared its support for Israel presently and in the future, essentially providing Israel with carte blanche to act however it pleases against the Palestinians.” The European Union has consistently emphasized Israel’s right to self-defense, arguing that, within this context, the assault on Gaza does not constitute an international invasion. Nevertheless, it is essential to note that Israelis are occupying forces in Palestine and have a legal obligation to safeguard non-combatants in the territories they have seized. By continually echoing phrases like ‘Israel’s right to self-defense,’ the European Union has, in essence, approved Tel Aviv’s war crimes.
Shargh: Biden considers post-Gaza scenario
In a commentary by Kourosh Ahmadi, a former Iranian diplomat, the Shargh newspaper takes a look into Joe Biden’s article in The Washington Post. The paper interprets his article as a manifestation of the White House’s concern for Gaza’s future. According to Ahmadi, Biden’s piece, outlining a roadmap for Palestine, reflects the U.S. authorities’s deliberations over the past six weeks concerning a post-war policy for Palestine. The article gains significance by aligning with similar statements from Biden and the U.S. Secretary of State during recent visits to the region. Biden, in this piece, asserts the “two-state solution” as the “sole path to ensure the long-term security of both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples.” He envisions a process ultimately leading to the realization of the two-state solution after the war. Ahmadi raises two pivotal questions posed by Biden’s article: 1- In light of the shock from Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel and the global condemnation of Israel’s unprecedented actions in Gaza, will Israel’s right-wing reconsider its policies from the past? 2- Considering the influence of Israel’s right-wing in the U.S. and the upcoming elections, how inclined or capable will the current and future U.S. administrations be to promote their views on the two-state solution?
Farhikhtegan: Israeli policies boost Hamas popularity
In its coverage of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza, the Farhikhtegan newspaper, citing Mansour Barati, an expert on Israeli affairs, asserts that the policies of the Zionist regime have fueled the growing popularity of Hamas. The newspaper highlights that ‘to strike at Hamas’s is a long-term objective pursued by the Zionists. “The overarching goal of the Zionist regime is to deliver a significant blow to Hamas and, if feasible, remove Hamas from Gaza,” he states. However, as Barati observes, “eliminating Hamas is unattainable due to the substantial support it receives in Gaza”. Ironically, Israel's recent actions and policies have contributed to an increase in the popularity of Hamas. In essence, if the Zionist regime aimed to diminish Hamas’s popularity, it should have granted more privileges to its counterpart, which is the self-governing entities. Nevertheless, their actions have spurred the Palestinian people, both in the West Bank and Gaza, towards the idea of resistance more than ever. The concept of peace and reconciliation has waned over the years as people increasingly lean towards supporting resistance groups. Ultimately, the Zionists aspire to completely eliminate Hamas from the equations of Gaza and Palestine or replace it with a mixed Arab force under the supervision of Jordan and Egypt. If they are willing to provide substantial advantages to the Palestinians, they are ultimately open to the idea of self-governing entities, supported by international backing and supervised by the United States, taking control in Gaza and parts of Gaza.
Armanmeli: Yemen’s strategic move
The Armanmeli newspaper examined the Yemeni navy’s interception of an Israeli ship in the Red Sea in response to Israel’s atrocities in Gaza, characterizing it as a strategic move. In an article penned by Hasan Hanizadeh, an expert in West Asia affairs, the newspaper highlights that Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, conducted on October 7, stands out as one of the most impactful operations in the region. This operation has led to a significant setback for the Zionist regime. Hanizadeh notes: “It appears that Ansarallah has executed a completely innovative and unprecedented move, successfully capturing public attention”. If the confrontation phase by Ansarallah persists and the conflict shifts towards American warships, the United States will be compelled to engage and the axis of resistance will inevitably be drawn into intervention. “This will potentially lead to a widespread international regional war,” he comments. From this perspective, Ansarallah’s move seems thoroughly strategic, executed within a framework of deterrence. If the United States decides to answer to these actions, it could carry perilous consequences.
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